Thursday, August 11, 2011

xD since Ryo requested it here it goes: I'm Kent W. Stoffels also known as @Headcrab_notch on twitter I live in sweden and first time blogger so i hope you will enjoy what i post and keep reading the blog



no, we are NOT going to MineCon. SORRY!
Ofcourse we'd love to go to MineCon, but its simply not possible because we are in germany/sweden.
But if you have a few €'s left, we'd be happy to spend them for you :]
We'll try to get as much information as possible and if we grasp anything, you'll see it here first :}

The first piece of new's

LOADS OF NEWS IN ONE POST!: Notch said that he will add lake's Jeb is now working on the village's whit weapon's smith's MINECON in 98 day's… that's all the mayor new's… SUCK IT ZOMBIE MINECRAFT

Welcome to the MineBike

Hey there, youve found your way to the MineBike!
I'm happy :)

We still need some authors, if you want to help, just ask me at twitter: @Biker_Notch